This page is provided as a resource only and is not intended as an endorsement of any individual or organization. There is a continually growing number of online resources available for seeking help and support, as well as researching issues relevant to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people of faith. I have listed just a few of them here to get you started on this journey.
Untangling the Mess, by Kathy Baldock (Nov 26th, 2016)
I’ve Lived as a Man and as a Woman – Here’s What I’ve Learned, by Paula Stone Williams (Dec. 19th, 2017)
LGBTQ+ Scriptural Rundown (in under 8 minutes), by Justin Siu
Moving the Conversation Forward on the Bible and LGBTQ Inclusion, by Matthew Vines (Dec. 9
th, 2017)
Intersex Christians and the Image of God, by Megan DeFranza and Lianne Simon (Jan 11th, 2017)
Ending the Teaching of Contempt Against the Church’s Sexual Minorities, by David P. Gushee (Nov. 14th, 2014)
The Power of Vulnerability, by Brene Brown (Jan. 3rd, 2011)
Gender Revolution, A Documentary with Katie Couric (by National Geographic)
The Story of God with Morgan Freeman (by National Geographic)
The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman (by National Geographic)
The Call to Courage with Brene Brown (A Netflix Original)