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Image by Austin Distel


Official Bio

Amber Cantorna-Wylde (she/her) is a national speaker, consultant, and community healer passionate about ending religious trauma for LGBTQ+ people and fostering a world of acceptance and belonging.


She is the daughter of Dave Arnold (executive producer of Adventures in Odyssey at Focus on the Family) and grew up in the heart of evangelicalism in Colorado Springs, CO. She came out as gay in 2012 and was immediately ostracized and abandoned those she cared about the most. Her experience with grief, loss, and long-term identity suppression propelled her into social justice where she now strives to be a voice for the silenced, eradicate shame, and generate messages of hope for marginalized people.


She’s the author of three books, including her newest release Out of Focus: My Story of Sexuality, Shame, and Toxic Evangelicalism (WJK Press, 2023) and the first coming-out guide for LGBTQ people of faith Unashamed (WJK Press, 2019). She is the founder and host of the Unashamed Love Collective ~ a beautiful and inclusive membership-based online community for LGBTQ+ people and allies. She also leads Cultivating Community Retreats—small, intimate group gatherings that build lasting relationships with like-minded people.


Amber’s expertise has led her to speak across the country, contract for Fortune 500 companies, offer consulting services to churches, and curate events for national leaders. She’s also been featured in numerous podcasts and writing mediums.


In her free time, Amber can be found cuddling with her dogs, traveling, creating art through photography, or sharing meaningful conversations over coffee. She loves dark chocolate, trying new things, and spending time in the mountains.


Follow her on social media at @AmberCantornaWylde and learn more about her work at 

Media Form

If you are a writer, editor, or producer and would like to request an interview with Amber for a story, podcast, or video, please submit the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon.

Thank you for your submission! We will get back with you soon!

Approved Photos:

Links for Show Notes:
Unashamed Love Collective:
Facebook: @AmberCantornaWylde
Instagram: @AmberCantornaWylde
Hashtags: #OutofFocusBook, #UnashamedLGBTQ

Out of Focus Prologue Video

Recent Interviews

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