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If What I Do Matters to You: 7 Ways to Support My Work During This Pandemic

These are unprecedented times, no doubt. And now more than ever we need to be supporting one another. Artists especially face hard times with book tours being cancelled, speaking engagements on hold, and much of what we do relying on the public’s support to get us through. I can’t find it in me to ask for financial gifts during this #GivingTuesdayNow campaign…especially while there are so many others who are struggling just to put food on the table and pay their rent. But if my work has mattered at all to you or to someone you love, here are seven easy ways that you can support what I do during this pandemic:

1. Follow me on social media.

If you’re not following me across all social media channels, please do that right now! It helps me grow my audience and you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel as I’ll be doing more there in the coming weeks. So go ahead and click these links to “Like” and “Follow” these channels now!

2. Subscribe to my blog.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to my blog! I only send out emails one or two times a month, so I promise not to flood your inbox. It’s a great way to keep you up-to-date with what I’m doing and you’ll always be first to receive new blogs that I write.

3. Write an Amazon review.

Writing a review of my books on Amazon is so helpful, not only for me but for other LGBTQ people of faith who are searching for resources. The more reviews a book receives, the higher it generates in the search engine. The goal is to make sure that people always find affirming resources FIRST, rather than non-affirming ones and a short review from you can help make that happen. You can review Unashamed here. And you can review Refocusing My Family here.

4. Join Patreon.

While we have made some progress this past year, the work that I do is still not sustainable, which means I still have to work a second job to make ends meet. That’s really hard to do on top of having an autoimmune condition. So if you would like to support my work financially, you can do so by becoming a monthly supporter on Patreon (just like you would support anything else you’re passionate about on a monthly basis). You also get perks in return! Or you can give a one time donation here.

5. Share my work with others.

Sharing my work with others, whether that means sharing a blog that I write, sharing my posts on your own social media feed, or recommending my books to groups that you are part of, are all helpful ways of spreading the work that I do and broadening the sphere of influence that I have. I’m so grateful to each and every person that does this. Some people donate a book to their local PFLAG, LGBTQ center, or church library. Others make copies available at their local psychiatric facility. Be creative! Each of these acts of kindness create an opportunity to save a life or help a family avoid catastrophic outcomes of bad theology. I am so grateful every time I hear about this happening.

6. Book me to speak at your next event.

Obviously we can’t gather together in person right now. But I am opening my schedule up for virtual speaking events! So if you need some one to speak to your church, your support group, your staff, or other group virtually during this time of social distancing, you can reach out to book me here. You can also keep me in mind for in-person speaking events when this all passes and we begin to safely meet in person again. If you are scheduling a future event and are interested in booking me to speak, you can reach out here.

7. Share this post.

Finally, share this post…share it on social media or share it via email, but share it with others so that the word spreads. Each simple act makes a difference in keeping each other going during this time, and you can be a part of keeping my work in motion.

Whatever ways you are able to engage in support during this time, I am grateful. I will continue to write, to create live virtual events, and to come up with creative ways to support you during this time for as long as it lasts. As we continue to support one another and lean on one another for strength, may we find peace, hope, and abounding love in the weeks to come. Be Brave, Be Safe, Be Well and Live Unashamed, Amber Cantorna

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